
>>> THE LINE - UP <<<
Scheldule : 6:30 to 7:10 pm
Based in Brussels, 4nouki produces an electronic project blending experimental art-pop and ambient music. His first EP “Fallen Angel”, released in autumn 2023 on the Marseille label Olga Productions, unveils a dreamy universe where synth layers and field recordings blending with melancholic pop melodies. Also a visual artist, she accompanies her live performances with 3D projections, like to the music video for the EP's latest track 'Dreamworld,' offering a glimpse into her fantastical world in the form of an underwater odyssey.

Scheldule : 7:30 to 8:10 pm
Azizam is a duo oscillating between electronic and mystical sounds, blending the beauty of Persian vocals with electronic compositions. They try to captivate listeners on a bold quest, at the time experimental and intimate. Their music is a blend of dark and fresh energy, atmospheric guitars, and enchanting voices of two enchanted hearts beating to an electronic rhythm.
Scheldule : 8:30 to 9:15 pm
A live immersion into the world of Lady Blaxx, a powerful woman with a unique voice. An atypical woman in a typical genre. A profile like Lady Blaxx is very unique. It is not easy to find a black singer within the Belgian rock scene. Off stage she easily disappears into the crowd, on stage she immediately attracts attention. Whether in a small venue or at a large festival, Lady Blaxx commands the stage and channels her energy to the audience. Get ready for a live show you won't soon forget.

Scheldule : 9:30 to 11 pm
Born and raised between Brussels and Istanbul, SKANDAL is extremely passionate about traditional music. She offers a dynamic interpretation of electro music fused with her cosmic vibrations. Proud co-founder of "MerhaBar" & "Queer Tribes", Dj Resident @chez ta mère, @the crazy circle, @the ahenda, SKANDAL never fails to find reasons to get together and dance against all forms of discrimination.
Scheldule : 6 to 10 pm
The mistress of ceremonies. We're lucky enough to have @cegenredechose. Chose is a queer music project that explores beyond gender binarity. By tracing her journey of questioning, Nath, the project's author and performer, invites everyone to explore themselves, to allow themselves to live, and to marvel at their imperfections. chose is a project that has been growing since 2022 and already has a 14-track album, "habiter l'orage", released on 19 April 2024. "Habiter l'orage" is a call to move forward, embracing our difficulties and dark corners rather than neglecting them.

Traits, Chairs, Visages, une exposition où 5 artistes aux disciplines variées et aux univers différents s'entremêlent et se répondent, a pour vocation de décrire ces vécus. À travers illustrations, photos, vidéos, textes, sculptures, traits, chairs et visages, nous partageons nos amours, nos peines, nos joies, nos douleurs, nos victoires et nos défaites, nos souvenirs traumatiques, angoissants, nos perspectives exotériques ou secrètes. Une expérience assez intime, que nous espérons pouvoir partager avec vous.
A decouvrir lors du drink pro au bar des Grands Carmes !